Why Play Rummy Roots?
Rummy Roots improves:
- English vocabulary and reading comprehension
- Spelling Skills
- S.A.T. scores
- Dictionary skills and Alphabetizing skills
- Retention using a fun, multi-sensory learning format that kids and adults enjoy.
Multi-Sensory Learning, Easy and Fun Format
Rummy Roots card game incorporates visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning styles. Players see the card, say the root meaning while holding the physical cards. The Greek or Latin roots and their English meanings are quick and easy to learn. Rummy Roots card game has been enjoyed and successfully played by kids and adult, teachers of the gifted or remedial students for over 18 years.
English Vocabulary and Reading Comprehension
Greek or Latin roots, combined together, form many of our English words. Knowing these Greek or Latin roots enables a more accurate understanding of what is being read. This improves reading comprehension and helps increase S.A.T. scores as well. The 42 Greek and Latin roots, included in the Rummy Roots card game, can be found in over 2000 English words.
For example: My son, in 3rd grade, came across a book that stated “The astronomer looked at the stars with his telemeter.” My son knew, from playing Rummy Roots, that “tele” means “far away” and “meter” means to measure. So without any previous knowledge of the instrument, my son knew the astronomer was measuring far away stars! He was curious to see what the instrument looked like, so we were off to the encyclopedia, and then off to learn more about astronomers! Fun time, fun learning!
Improves Spelling Skills and Alphabetizing Skills
Having a concrete understanding of morphographic patterns within the words improves spelling skills. Using morphographic patterns will generally allow students to spell a much larger set of words then by using weekly rote word lists with less rules to learn. Alphabetizing skills are reinforced by using the word list and looking under dictionary guide words included in the Rummy Roots game.
Improves S.A.T. Test Scores
Rummy Roots card game is a fun, quick way to prepare for and have greater success with S.A.T. vocabulary, reading comprehension and verbal tests.
Fun Dictionary Skills & Practice
Children tend to find dictionaries very frustrating and drill practice too boring. The “Stump” card in each game level teaches dictionary skills while playing the game. Kids and adults actually enjoy looking up words in the "Rummy Roots" Dictionary to "Stump" their opponents! Dictionaries need no longer be frustrating, but rather a fun book, with interesting facts to find and explore.